
Cloning utilities for git repositories.

Module Contents

class lookout.style.cloner.ParallelWriteToLogs


Parallel which logs progress using logger.

_print(self, msg, msg_args)

Display the message using self._log.info.

class lookout.style.cloner.Cloner(location:str, n_jobs:Optional[int]=-1)

Class to clone a list of git repositories in parallel.

clone(self, repositories:Sequence[str])

Run repositories cloning in parallel.

Parameters:repositories – List of URLs to clone.
Returns:Mapping from the provided URLs to the file system paths of the successfully downloaded repositories.
static get_repo_name(url:str)

Convert URL to repository name.

Parameters:url – Repository URL to get name for.
Returns:Generated repository name.
static _clone_repository(repository:str, repos_cache:str)