
Modelforge model for the format analyzer.

Module Contents

class lookout.style.format.model.FormatModel(**kwargs)


A modelforge model to store Rules instances.

It is required to store all the Rules for different programming languages in a single model, named after each language. Note that Rules must be fitted and Rules.base_model is not saved.

Developer note: Each Rules must provide enough information to reproduce it bit-to-bit in form of a configuration dictionary. Model is simple and must remain simple.


Return the languages for which this model has trained rules available.


Serialize this model and return the result as a string.

_load_tree(self, tree:dict)
__getitem__(self, lang:str)

Get the Rules estimator by its language.

Parameters:lang – Estimator language.
Returns:Rules estimator instance.
__setitem__(self, lang:str, rules:Rules)

Set a new Rules estimator to the model by its language.

__contains__(self, lang:str)
static _assemble_classification_report(report:dict)
static _disassemble_classification_report(report:dict)
static _assemble_rules(rules_tree:dict)
static _disassemble_rules(rules:Iterable[Rule])